Virtual Placement

The ultimate extremities using your mind.


Face the ultimate extremities using your mind, physical strength and luck.

✓ Round 1: Scale your Intelligence
->IIn this round sound clips comprising of Tag lines / logos / clips of web series/ dialogue be played Based on the type of clip the team will have to guess the correct answer.

✓ Round 2: Survive To Thrive
->In this round, one end the rope would be tied around the waist of one of the players .An object will be tied to the second end. The player will have to knock the cups down lying on the ground in the hula hoop fashion.

As soon as first player complete the task the second player will start the second task, another teammate will start second round in which he/she will have to blow a cup upto the finish line across the table with the help of balloon.

✓ Round 3: Conquer the Flag / Flag-A-Thon
->Surprise Round (Based on Luck, Mental ability and Physical Strength)


1. Participants must be on time.
2. Vulgar and unruly behaviour will not be tolerated.
3. Participants are not allowed to use cell phone during the event.
4. Any violations in the rules will result in disqualification.


Harshil - +919979581899